How to prepare for a newborn photo shoot.


The day of the first most magical photo session of your baby is coming and I would like it to go in the best possible way. I have prepared a short list of recommendations, the implementation of which will reduce the shooting time, as well as conduct it with great comfort for you and your baby.


The first thing we need is your good mood and calmness - everything will be fine :). Mom and baby are very closely related and the mood of the baby depends on the condition of the mother (and other family members who are present in the room). The calmer and more relaxed the mom, the calmer the child and the easier and faster the shooting.


Please, arrive at the agreed time. 


For joint photos with parents and older children (if such are planned), bring clothes, preferably plain, in a similar color scheme, preferably without lettering and drawings. White, beige, other pastel or black colors are welcome. Even regular white / black / gray / beige T-shirts or shirts look good.


If older children will take part in the photo session, please prepare them in advance. Be sure to inform them about what will happen during the photo shoot. Sometimes for family shots, they may need additional motivation, perhaps a small gift or some tricks that can work for your children. Feel free to bring snack and favorite toys.


 Light makeup is possible for mom. Clean and styled hair and well-groomed hands look great in the photo.


If the baby is breastfed, then in order to avoid possible allergic reactions, it is undesirable to add new products into the mother's diet a day before the photo session. Also please avoid gas-forming products for comfort in the baby's tummy.


Please, also bring with you:

  • a pacifier (even if the baby does not want to take it) is one of the main photographer’s assistants;
  • 2 diapers (I have Huggies);
  • wet wipes;
  • remedy for colic prescribed by a pediatrician (if the baby is already feels uncomfortable);
  • milk or formula in a bottle is highly desirable.


I would be very grateful if you try to follow these tips.


See you soon! ♡